Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Personal Experience With Foreclosure

What Happen To Me During Foreclosure

Picture with a foreclosure sign in the front yard

SEE The Actual House here. Brick Front Lower & Upper blue Siding.

My name is Charles T. I was a homeowner until March 05, 2010

when I lost my home to foreclosure. Let me give you a brief recap 

of what happen to me.I built my home new in Chicago, Illinois, and 

closed Oct. 29, 2006. I put down $13,000.00 and moved into a 

beautiful home. We loved our home. In 2007 it was appraised at 

$240,000.00 THEN THE MARKET WENT SOUTH. My bank went belly 

up. National City Mortgage . It was then bought by Bank Of America, 

who promptly sold it to PNC. Next PNC sold it to Saxon Mortgage, 

Who in turn sold it to Kandour. Who then Bundled it, and sold it to a 

company of private investor's  out of Colorado.

I worked for the Chicago Transit Authority who laid off 1500 drivers 

in Jan. 2010. I was blessed to keep my job, but our hours 

were cut. I went after a refi and was blessed to get a closing date.

but as things would go, I was set to close on that Friday Sept. 19,

2008  and the Monday before  on Sept. 15, 2008   Lehman Brother 

went belly-up. The whole credit and Financial worlds collided & the   

markets dried up and they cancelled my closing. Talking about being

between a rock and a hard place. Man I thought I would lose my 

mind. I tried to get a modified loan and could not. NACA fought 

for me, but the day before my house was to sell a caseworker called 

almost crying, (WE WERE CRYING), saying they were sorry, but they 

could not save my home. 

( I found out why the Obama plan, and most loan modifications 

don't work . The big banks bundle and sell our mortgages to small 

investor's who are not required by government to do loan 

modifications, because they took no bail-out monies.) So they have 

no restraint to foreclose.

I have since learned of several ways to stop them. Just one of the 

ways would have saved my home.I can't even begin to tell you how 

much HELL my family went threw. My wife is very sick now from this 

experience. I don't want anyone to go threw what we did. Please 

check the record My Address was 6429 S. Honore st. Chicago, Illinois 

60636 . I didn't tell you the worst of it. My home lost its value From 

$240,000.00 to the last 2 CMA's were $9,400.00 and $10,000.00. 

Believe it, I said Nine Thousand four hundred dollars. My taxes went 

up this year to $4,200 a year. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Do you know 

they refused to do the loan modification for $67,000.00. Greed at it's 

purest form. I have provided a link for you to consider. IF I WOULD 


HOUSE! Take a look! Get the information and give them a FIGHT. 


 Were you aware under the new rules, REGULATION X which 


effective Jan. 01, 2014 , at any time during the life of the loan,

a borrower facing foreclosure, could now challenge the QM

status of their loan. The borrower could claim that things were

not done correctly and that they didn't have the ability to repay

the loan.  He or she could be granted an injunction against the

foreclosure, and could receive up to three years interest, which

could be offset against his or her indebtedness.

I Highly recommend Clicking the link below for some amazing information to help you.

 Click Here! 

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